Visit Italy With Movies Training: Minerva Pictures and RUFA Launch Online Course
30 March 2024
From today, the Visit Italy With Movies Training online course is available: a digital project by Minerva Pictures in collaboration with RUFA to promote the internationalization of Italy’s image through cinema and audiovisual media. The initiative aims to develop skills related to the production, distribution, and promotion of Italian films through audiovisual productions. The course contributes to the development of emerging professions in the audiovisual industry such as Showrunner, Organizer, and Location Manager, active in both Italian and foreign projects.
Thanks to the VIWM Training platform, a free version of the Visit Italy with Movies platform developed by Minerva Pictures specifically for universities interested in joining the training program, teachers and students have access to a starting catalog of about 200 titles, which can be screened for educational activities, as well as an online course for autonomous learning to understand the importance of Italian cinema abroad and its role in the international film context through case studies, interviews with industry experts, clips, and full-length films available for streaming, along with exercises of various levels to turn theory into practice. The course was created by Prof. Francesco Pennica, a director of photography, filmmaker, and producer of films, documentaries, music videos, series, and television programs made in Italy and abroad.
From today, access to the course is available through registration on the website