Restiamo amici

2019 - Comedy

Alessandro Colonna, hospital pediatrician, lives with his teenage son Giacomo, since Maria died prematurely. Friends and in-laws urge him: at almost 40 years old he should find a new love. A phone call comes suddenly from Brazil: Gigi, his best friend, is sick and asks for him. Alessandro, a widower on the brink of depression, suddenly finds himself on the beautiful Natal island. At the end of a crazy life his friend asks him for help. His father left him a bound inheritance, originally destined to a nephew, however he has no children. The solution is there: pretend that Giacomo, Alessandro’s son, is his heir.

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Directed by Antonello Grimaldi Cast Michele Riondino, Alessandro Roja, Libero De Rienzo, Violante Placido, Sveva Alviti, Mirko Trovato, Ivano Marescotti, Lidia Vitale