Per amor vostro

2015 - Drama

Anna was a bold and courageous child. Today she is an “oblivious” woman, in her Naples, who for twenty years has stopped seeing what really happens in her family, preferring not to take a position, suspended between Good and Evil. For the sake of her three children and her family, she let her life go away, slowly. Until she convinced herself she was “nothing”. Her life is so gray that she no longer sees colors, although at work – she is the “prompter” in a television studio – she is appreciated and loved, and this fills her with pride. Anna has innate gifts in helping others, but she does not use them for herself. She never finds the words or the opportunity to help herself. Finally, after years of precariousness, she manages to get a stable job, and begins her liberation. Even from her husband, whom she finally decides to get rid of.

Coppa Volpi for the Best female interpretation to Valeria Golino and Nomination for the Golden Lion to Giuseppe M. Gaudino at the 72nd Venice Film Festival

5 Nominations for the Silver Ribbons 2016

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Directed by Giuseppe M. Gaudino Cast Valeria Golino, Massimiliano Gallo, Adriano Giannini