Là Bas – Educazione criminale

2011 - Drama

Castel Volturno, thirty kilometres from Naples. A commando breaks into a tailoring of African immigrants, shooting wildly and killing six black boys. Yussouf, a young immigrant, decides to close the accounts with his uncle Moses who, after convincing him to come to Italy promising him a future as an honest craftsman, has turned him into the cynical manager of a millionaire cocaine business. The young Germain, the singer Asetù, the prostitute Suad are the other characters in this story where fiction and truth are confused, writing the pages of the criminal novel of a young boy of our time, trapped in a daily struggle for survival.

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Directed by Guido Lombardi Cast Kader Alasko Alassane, Moussa Mone, Esther Elisha, Salvatore Ruocco, Billi Serigne Faye