Best Actress Award to Teresa Saponangelo at Nastro d'Argento 2021

Il buco in testa

2020 - Drama

A mother practically mute. Forty years earlier, a militant of the extreme left killed his father – a deputy police brigadier in his twenties – during a political demonstration. Maria was born two months later. One day she learns that her father’s murderer has a name, a face, a job. She served his time and lives in Milan. «Now I know who to hate», Maria thinks. She dyes her hair and takes a fast train to go and meet him. She carries a gun.

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Directed by Antonio Capuano Cast Teresa Saponangelo, Tommaso Ragno, Francesco Di Leva, Gea Martire, Vincenza Modica, Anita Zagaria, Daria D'Antonio (II), Bruna Rossi, Alberto Ricci Höiss, Vincenzo Ruggiero, Pietro Juliano. Produced by Eskimo with Rai Cinema in association with Minerva Pictures and Mad Entertainment