F.F.S.S., cioè: ‘…che mi hai portato a fare sopra a Posillipo se non mi vuoi più bene?’

1983 - Comedy

The story begins in Rome where Renzo Arbore and Luciano De Crescenzo, impersonating themselves, are wandering around aimlessly looking for an idea for their new subject to bring to the screens. At one point, the two find themselves under Fellini’s windows and behold, flying at their feet, carried by a providential wind – but is it perhaps a grace of San Gennaro? – the sheets of a screenplay by the director, the “Federico Fellini Sud Story” hence the initials FF. SS. which titles the film.

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Directed by Renzo Arbore Cast Renzo Arbore, Pietra Montecorvino, Roberto Benigni, Luciano De Crescenzo, Pippo Baudo, Gigi Proietti, Gianni Morandi, Massimo Troisi, Raffaella Carrà