A Tor Bella Monaca non piove mai

2019 - Drama

Are you born bad or do you become bad? Mauro (Libero De Rienzo), just over thirty-five, is going to find out at his expense. His ex-girlfriend Samantha (Antonia Liskova), beautiful and sensual, left him for a doctor, but he does not give up. He wants to find a way to win her back, but also to start living again. Destroyed by precarious jobs without prospects and the total absence of a role in society. But among the barracks of Tor Bella Monaca, a difficult district of the Roman suburbs – where Mauro was born and grew up – life is an obstacle course and even a real job is a mirage. So, when two of his friends get into their heads about robbing nothing less than the Chinese mafia, the temptation to get involved is too strong. Improvising bad guys is not a small thing: Romolo (Andrea Sartoretti), Mauro’s brother, knows it well, he is a former criminal who has been fighting for years to win a second chance. And while Mauro’s family, struggling with a tenant and the thousand injustices of nowadays Italy, does everything to hold together, a cruel fate is preparing to play yet another shot. A Tor Bella Monaca non piove mai is an act of love towards a world, degraded yet full of stories, anger and life.

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Directed by Marco Bocci Cast Libero De Rienzo, Andrea Sartoretti, Antonia Liskova, Lorenza Guerrieri, Fulvia Lorenzetti con la partecipazione di Giorgio Colangeli